Nov 05, 2018

It’s Prom Time! Which means you have probably been daydreaming about this night only for the entire school year! With so much to look forward to, what are you most excited for this Prom 2016? What are your #PromGoals? Chances are, you probably already have a list of prom goals you would like to accomplish – but keep reading to hear about what is giving Golden Asp major #PromGoals envy!

  • Dream Dress. You have imagined it, and you probably even have sketched it – and  ow, it’s all you can think about!It’stime to wake up from that dream and make that gown a reality!
  • Prom Dress Shopping. You know what you are looking for, and you probably have already done some serious research – it’s time to get out there and find that dress! Shopping for your gown will honestly be one of the most fun experiences you can anticipate from prom!
  • Perfect Fit.  You don’t just want to own your dream dress; you want to rock your dream dress! The foolproof way to look slammin’ in your prom gown is to make sure you have the perfect fit – and that’s where your seamstress comes in.
  • Dream Date. While by no means do you have to bring a date to have a fabulous time at prom, that doesn’t mean you can’t dream of what prom would be like with that awesome person you can’t stop thinking about! Take the leap and just ask them already!
  • Skin + Makeup + Hair. Whether you are having a professional do the work, or you are tackling it all on your own – every girl fantasizes about looking spectacular from head to toe at prom! Go all out and make sure you feel confident!
  • Dream Ride. If you have been fantasizing about rolling up to prom in a stretch limo or a party bus, get a huge group of friends together and plan it. Not only will you be saving money by splitting the cost, but the more people in the ride means the more fun it will be!
  • After-Prom Plans. This is the night of a lifetime, so why not keep it going after prom has ended? Go out afterwards, or throw a slumber party with a bunch of your friends! Just make sure to run it by mom or dad first.

There you have it – a top list of everything that Golden Asp considers #PromGoals worthy for social media. So, now that you have read about ours; what are your #PromGoals? Whatever they are, just make sure you have a blast!