Temporary Store Closing - Coronavirus Update


As COVID-19 continues to impact the US and world, we want to take a moment to update you on some important changes to our business operations.

Effective March 17, we will comply with Governor Wolf's request to close all non-essential retail businesses.

The health and safety of our employees and customers are our top priority, and we want to help reduce the transmission of this virus and, therefore, will temporarily close our retail store.

We will be here to answer questions, take payments, and make arrangements to pick-up dresses.

Please feel free to reach us by email at info@goldenaspprom.com. We do not have phone support at this time. 

Because of the rapidly changing circumstances of this epidemic, we will keep you informed of any changes here on our website and Instagram.

Please be careful and listen to Public Health Officials and take every precaution to avoid catching the virus and spreading it to others. We can all make a difference in this battle. Stay Safe!